winter is dark and cold


in last 8 years i have only spent one winter in europe.

since i started training i have never trained in winter.

at most i would have did few runs in the snow and would pack and leave for south africa.

this winter i decided to stay in belgrade and experience winter.

i am confused.

it is cold and dark.

i have trouble running.

i have no sports nor regular clothes.

everything is wet, slippery and cold.

it is a new experience.

staying in my own city over winter, first time in almost a decade, makes me feel like a tourist.

everything is new for me.

i was thinking i should go to a mountain or visit something new,

but reality is everything around my own building is new to me.

we shall see if it keeps me interested for net few months

or i just decide and pack up and leave for south africa or some other warm (and normal) place.

i have to figure out what to do in this new situation.