where does conrad stoltz come from

conrad stoltz

as many know i help out few triathletes with branding and web “stuff”. it is a nice project and it makes me happy 90% of the time (quite high, almost as sex). i organized it under nekadatriathlonteam.com. one of the athletes i work with is three time xterra world champion conrad stoltz. he is like a major legend of triathlon and has been a professional for almost two decades – one of the few great ones from the good old days but he still kicks a lot of ass.


conrad came to stellenbosch only for a month for some easy training and sponsor work but i am guessing he is eager to go home to his farm which is many many many kilometers into the real africa.

i mean, conrad’s place is none of this wishy-washy-ferrari-fuck-teenage-students-eat-italian-icecream-drink-coffee-at-vida stellenbosch and cape town bullshit. it is real africa.

it is a place where insects are big enough to eat cows and air is as thick as yoghurt. a place where men must hunt wild animals from age of zero and women give birth while they wrestle angry hyenas. no joke, i have seen the photos and have heard the stories.

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