kenneth aronson interview

kenneth aronson

you own – is it a big pressure to own such a property? how do you handle it?

HELL.COM is a self fulfilling prophesy… the perpetual “temptation” to yield to tasteless commercialization that would make a jillion dollars vs the opportunity to do something meaningful. For over 13 years I have been fighting this battle…every time that I put effort towards something meaningful..the universe kicks my ass.

you are an artist, consultant and an enterpreneur – what do you think about creativity in general?

for me creativity is no different then the air i breathe..its been a life force since i had recollection. i completely take it for granted. but if i really have to think about it… great creativity is so incredibly rare that it is depressing … when i stumble upon it, i am elated.

if you had unlimited resources and absolute power what would you make?

Id make love on my new wally somewhere in the Caribbean!

when i got bored with that..maybe I’d do battle with the universe and accomplish Stage 3 of